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How to Write SMS Text That Really Sells

How to Write SMS Text That Really Sells

How to Write SMS Text That Really Sells

Everyone texts. For the majority of us, however, texting for fun or responding to work emails is just about all there is to it.

For marketers, however, simply sending a message and having users read it is insufficient. As a marketer, you dedicate time and resources to connecting with your audience, but that is not the ultimate purpose.

If you want people to respond to your texts, don't underestimate the power of an excellent SMS copy. A text message may appear to be straightforward, but there are a few important principles to follow if you want your SMS marketing efforts to be successful.

Why Text Messaging is Effective

Why add text messaging to your already extensive to-do list? Are there advantages over other mediums? Absolutely. Here are several reasons why marketing and sales work so well with texting.


Approximately 98% of text messages are read. That's an astonishing metric. While your email inbox is packed and the social media newsfeed is constantly updated, text message inboxes are relatively empty.

While email is essential for any sales strategy, visibility may be lower than you realize. Approximately 80% of emails are never opened. In contrast, only 2% of SMS messages remain unopened.

Better response.

Getting leads to open an email is only part of the struggle. The second step is to keep their attention long enough and persuade them to click through to your call to action. The email click-through rate is roughly 3.2%, while SMS click-through is 19%.


Most texts are read within 2-3 minutes of delivery. This is because most individuals have their cell phones within reach and will immediately see the notification.

Another thing to remember is that most individuals do not take calls from unfamiliar numbers. Even if you've spoken with a prospect previously, they're unlikely to recognize your name or phone number on subsequent calls. Even when they do, they may not respond. This explains why more than 70% of phone calls go to voicemail.

SMS texting is an effective touchpoint since messages are very simple to get and the channel is less flooded with advertising messages.

As a result, while texting may allow you to establish a trustworthy relationship with your prospects, it should not be the primary point of contact. Instead, reserve it for after you've had a genuine interaction with the prospect, or when you can't do so. Cold texting is less successful, and you'll get more mileage if you already have a strong relationship.

The Components of a great SMS copy

SMS texting, while underutilized by many firms, has the potential to be a highly effective marketing tool. With a 98% open rate (compared to 20% for email), along with the fact that most people read text messages within three minutes of getting them, it is an obvious choice.

Having said that, the expected results of text messaging don't just happen naturally. If you want your text marketing campaign to be profitable, you need to carefully evaluate your SMS marketing content and learn how to produce a sellable text.


Like any written content, the initial part of your SMS copy is key to the overall success of your message. If you can't pique the reader's interest in the first few words, they might not even get to your Call To Action (CTA).

So how can you start your text message copy to compel your audience to read on?

1. Personalize

Start your communication by personally addressing the recipient. This will demonstrate that you consider them as individuals rather than as part of a bulk messaging list.

According to recent surveys, 54% of customers would be more likely to purchase from a brand if their marketing messages were individualized. Not only that, but 70% of individuals who receive them believe they are more inclined to recommend a company to their friends and family. This allows you to meet two needs with a single action.

2. Use attention-grabbing words

To capture the recipient’s attention, leverage terms that pique their interest and suggest some level of worth. For instance:

  • Festive sale!
  • Only for the next 6 hours.
  • 40% off!
  • Specially curated for you.

3. Say who you are

People who sign up for your marketing communications genuinely want to hear from you. If you send an SMS using a short code, consider introducing yourself first. Seeing the name of a favorite business can increase their interaction with your material.


The text message body is the major component of your copy in which you explain why you're sending the recipient a specific text message and any "requirements" they must complete to benefit from it.

Here are a few examples:

  • Order any item from our latest catalog and get 20% off! The offer is valid until July 14th, 2024.
  • Book a movie ticket before 6 pm and get a 20% discount food court voucher.
  • Walk into any of our stores this weekend and get 10% off on our entire collection.

SMS messages have a character limitation of 60, so keep it short, simple, and precise.

Call-to-action and short URLs

Another important aspect of text message copy is the call to action (CTA). If you manage to capture the reader's interest and offer a worthwhile offering, the next stage to success is to inform them exactly how to receive it. Also, include a relevant short link to direct them there.

It should look something like this:

  • Visit our store:
  • Buy now:
  • Click here:
  • Grab the deal:
  • Try out for free: ]

Make sure to direct your audience to the specific location of your offer so they don't have to go through the extra steps of searching for it themselves.

Opting out

In some countries, an opt-out option is mandatory for each message, which must be included at the end of your SMS copy. Before creating your SMS campaigns, check to see if that particular country is subject to such text marketing rules.

At this stage, you should still have a few characters available to provide the necessary instructions like - Reply STOP to opt out.

3 Ways to Test and Measure SMS Performance

To better understand your audience’s behavior, employ measurable data to fine-tune your SMS marketing initiatives. So, how can you determine the efficacy of your SMS marketing strategy? Here are 3 ways to do it.

Utilize A/B testing

Conduct A/B testing prior to delivering SMS messages to customers. For SMS, this entails sending multiple message samples to customers to determine their impact on your campaign. A/B testing can help you figure out which messages are more effective with your target audience by measuring click-through rates. Optimize your strategy by testing different CTAs, timing, tone, and message lengths.

Track performance metrics

The secret to successful sales is data crunching. To ensure this, track your marketing SMS using important metrics like conversion rates, open rates, CTR, opt-out rates, and income. Here’s how you can calculate your conversion rate:

(C/N) x 100


C = The total number of conversions

N = The total number of SMSs sent

To measure the effectiveness of the campaign, compare these metrics to your goals and key performance indicators.

Employ tools and platforms

Use SMS messaging tools like GirikSMS which have built-in analytics to help you automate data collection and acquire useful insights. The GirikSMS Salesforce SMS app enables you to examine data for future campaigns.

Tips for Improving SMS Copy

Here are some strategies for optimizing your marketing SMS messages.

Analyzing customer feedback

SMS marketing is more than just a sales promotion tool; it is also an excellent technique to solicit user feedback. Use two-way conversational messaging to encourage people to share their thoughts on your products or services. You can even request that they provide a perspective on a certain component of your business. These feedbacks are critical for increasing the quality of your messaging. As an added bonus, implementing his suggestions increases the customer's engagement.

Leveraging data

Data is essential for scaling up an SMS campaign. Analyzing the data indicates which SMS strategies worked and which did not, the optimum times for outbound messages, and the kind of content that resonated with your clients. All of these indicators assist you in better understanding your target audience and how to get them to respond to your communications.

Staying up-to-date with innovation

Consumer preferences are fickle. Consequently, as a business, you must adapt to remain relevant. For instance, SMS chatbots are emerging as the new way to respond to consumer inquiries. Stay abreast of the latest industry innovations to stay ahead of the curve.

If you own a business and do not use SMS marketing, you are missing out on a number of opportunities. With nearly 97% of Americans having a cell phone, this channel offers an unparalleled opportunity to reach consumers on their preferred devices, from anywhere in the world.

Begin by using the greatest business text messaging platform, GirikSMS, which is a 100% native Salesforce texting app that enables businesses to communicate with their consumers in a more meaningful way.

GirikSMS's fully-featured SMS platform enables you to send bulk and personalized text messages, schedule campaigns, track responses, and do much more without requiring any technical knowledge.

Are you ready to use SMS marketing to build your customer base and expand your business? Set up a free demo today.