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Improving A2P SMS Messaging With Salesforce CRM

Improving A2P SMS Messaging With Salesforce CRM

Improving A2P SMS Messaging With Salesforce CRM

The most widely used CRM in the world, Salesforce offers a variety of communication tools. One of those tools is SMS texting, however, it has limited functionality. For instance, the marketing, sales, and support teams at your organization may find it challenging to work together throughout the customer journey if they use Salesforce SMS messaging. This often leads to inefficiencies, miscommunication, repetitive messages, and a diluted customer experience.

In today's pandemic era, the business landscape has evolved rapidly and everyone including customers takes time to adjust. It is therefore critical to operate in a way that helps you to truly connect one-on-one with your customers. In an effort to bridge the disconnect between businesses and customers, people are also turning more than ever to text messaging and digital conversations.

From a business standpoint, SMS messaging, particularly A2P messaging, reveals some interesting numbers. With a 98% read rate and extraordinarily high conversion rates, text messaging has proven to be one of the most successful customer engagement channels for businesses.

One of the best ways to improve the performance of your CRM is with a text messaging integration for Salesforce SMS. A 100% native integration will provide you with instantaneous SMS text message delivery, lead generation, increased productivity, and revenue growth.

With so many platforms available, selecting the best Salesforce SMS integration might be difficult. Each one has a unique UI and feature set. The information in this blog will help you choose the ideal SMS platform for your business.

Significance of a Native Salesforce SMS Integration

The term integrated can indicate different interpretations for different SMS providers. And that leads to different outcomes as well. Using Salesforce development tools, Salesforce SMS integrations offer the highest return on investment and work flawlessly within the CRM environment. Enterprise-grade capabilities designed for reliability, scalability, and security are an intrinsic part of the best SMS integrations and work seamlessly in the native Salesforce environment.

When selecting a Salesforce SMS texting solution, insist on the following features:

100% Native Salesforce Integration

Salesforce integration is a common phrase used by SMS messaging companies. It's important to understand exactly what is being presented at all times. Often, these integrations are only data connections that allow your Salesforce account and the vendor's application to sync contact information.

Some businesses connect Salesforce to their messaging systems using backend automation tools and apps. These third-party apps are generally quite helpful, but they are rarely the ideal choice for SMS text messaging.

In SMS messaging in Salesforce, both incoming and outgoing texts are considered as separate transactions, which can lead to a rapid escalation in the overall cost of ownership. Although popular automation tools provide for custom integrations, there could be unexpected consequences. For instance, message delays may extend up to fifteen minutes. For businesses that kind of latency can be a deal breaker.

Most available solutions don't work natively with Salesforce and compel you to send SMS messages using the vendor's infrastructure rather than your own. By sending and receiving messages from within your existing CRM, a truly native integration mitigates these risks and lags.

Ease of Use

Apps that are directly integrated eliminate the need for extra training, accounts, or logins. Salesforce users may fully benefit from native SMS connectivity without having to go through the steep learning curve of a separate third-party solution.

Your employees will be more productive, and IT will have less work to do when everyone is familiar with the messaging interface and is working from the system they are already familiar with.

Enterprise-grade Security

Strong security features and granular-level user access are key elements of native design. While useful for smaller programs as well, these enterprise-grade texting features were created with huge enterprises in mind. The stringent security guidelines that are intrinsic to the Salesforce CRM platform must be adhered to by native SMS integrations.

Processing and storing of data takes place within the perimeter of your existing Salesforce instance. The possibility of a security breach or other challenges with data containment is greatly decreased with localization.

Enhanced Performance

Native apps function more effectively and are less prone to errors or incompatibilities since they are fully contained within the existing Salesforce instance. You can benefit from Salesforce's reputed uptime and performance metrics along with the additional features of an enterprise platform.

Companies that use native SMS integrations housed in a secure cloud environment lower their chance of experiencing service disruptions due to outages. You don't have to deal with siloed data because native apps coexist in your Salesforce environment.

IT infrastructure and third-party platforms

As long as your local Salesforce instance is operational, so is your data. However, to leverage these capabilities, it’s important to make sure your SMS provider is also hosted in a secure environment with similar uptime and performance metrics.

Uncompromised Compatibility

Your data is operational as long as your local Salesforce instance is running. To benefit from these features, you must, however, confirm that your SMS provider is likewise a secure and robust environment with comparable uptime and performance.

Native apps are created with the same development platform and seamlessly interface with other Salesforce apps. Furthermore, strong API and custom-coding features provide access to limitless options. You have the option to build your own CRM application or integrate it with pre-existing ones.

CRM Services as Custom Objects

Salesforce's data processing capabilities are one of its most powerful features. Salesforce defines every kind of data as a unique item by using native apps. This indicates that each contact, call, and email message is stored as a separate entity in the CRM.

Choose a provider that offers native integration of SMS custom objects for Salesforce SMS messaging. By doing this, you can easily generate reports, define event triggers and custom actions, as well as increase data security and system performance.

What is A2P SMS Messaging

A2P (Application To Person) messaging typically refers to anything that isn’t considered P2P (Person to Person). It is generally used in conjunction with business messaging.

Generally used for outbound campaigns, A2P messaging has higher volumes than P2P. A2P can support two-way conversational texting, depending on the number. While shortcodes are commonly used for one-way A2P messaging, businesses are now able to send authorized A2P messaging traffic over local phone networks thanks to the unique design of A2P 10-digit long codes (10DLC). This service allows businesses to address their high-volume conversational messaging needs.

How you can improve A2P SMS Messaging with Salesforce

Seamless A2P Interaction

GirikSMS App for Salesforce helps to provide a smooth interaction between the application and the person to ensure that the process is as seamless as possible.

Friendly User Interface and Quick Installation

The GirikSMS App for Salesforce has an extremely user-friendly and intuitive design. Additionally, the app is great for faster installation, allowing you to start working on the project right away and integrating Salesforce as a CRM into your organization.

Instant Message Delivery

GirikSMS is 100% native to Salesforce, which means you can send messages to any of your customers, no matter where they are in the world, directly from your Salesforce console. All of the customer communications are delivered instantly to every recipient.

Campaign Performance Metrics

With GirikSMS App for Salesforce, you will be able to gain important insights and metrics that showcase how well your campaigns are performing. Along with the key indicators that you obtain you will also get actionable insights that you can use to figure out your next steps to optimize your campaign, to achieve the desired results.

Quick Upload and Delivery of Group SMS

With the GirikSMS App for Salesforce, you can get access to valuable insights and KPIs that reveal the effectiveness of your campaigns. You will get actionable insights in addition to data, which you can leverage to determine the best course of action for optimizing your campaign and getting the intended outcomes.

Easy Integration With Salesforce

GirikSMS App for Salesforce's ability to upload and send group SMS quickly to all of your leads and clients at once is one of its best features. You can efficiently market your offerings to potential customers directly by sending bulk SMS messages to all of your leads at once.

GirikSMS – Salesforce SMS Integration Experts

GirikSMS is the perfect choice if you're looking for a service with all these features. Our enterprise-grade is designed to cater to the needs of businesses of all sizes.

For managers who are committed to personalized customer engagement at scale, GirikSMS A2P SMS Salesforce native solution is the ideal Salesforce SMS messaging solution. With GirikSMS, you can seamlessly text using both shortcodes and 10DLC (10 Digit Long Code) in the same messaging thread.

To eliminate intermediaries and provide a seamless messaging service, GirikSMS has partnered with several reputed carriers. Consequently, our customers get better message deliverability and reduced dependency on third parties. We can offer services at a far lower cost than our competitors because of our direct partner carrier advantage.

To test drive our solution, book a free 30-day trial today.